- Lotteriefonds Kanton Thurgau
- Thurgauer Kantonalbank
- Thurgauer Zeitung
- Migros Kulturprozent
- Ernst und Ulrike Uhlmann, Stettfurt
- Dr. Heinrich Mezger-Stiftung
- Emil-Halter-Stiftung
- Lienhard-Stiftung
- Alice Wartemann-Stiftung
- Arnold Billwiller-Stiftung
- No e Wili Jugendfonds
- Kulturpool Untersee und Rhein
- Kulturpool Regio Frauenfeld
- Frauenfelder Abendmusiken
- Amriswiler Konzerte
- Kantonsschule Kreuzlingen
- Stadt Frauenfeld
- Musikschule Weinfelden
- Gesellschaft für Musik und Literatur Kreuzlingen
- Evangelische Kirchgemeinde Steckborn
- Musikschule Kreuzlingen
- Wolfau-Druck AG
- Dimage.es
If you would like to support the Thurgau Youth Orchestra, you are always welcome to become a passive member from CHF 30 or a sponsor from CHF 100. You will regularly receive information about our orchestra activities and our current concert programs by post.
Contact: info@jotg.ch
The Thurgau Youth Orchestra is a tax-exempt organization. Donations are deductible in your tax return. You can pay one-time donations into the following account:
Thurgauer Kantonalbank
IBAN: CH33 0078 4295 0957 5200 1
”Sometimes lyrical, sometimes bacchanalian Beethoven.
Christof Lampart, TAGBLATT
After the break, it was the Thurgau Youth Orchestra's turn to perform Beethoven's "Seventh". Pascual conducted with great care and stringency and thus achieved a sound that he was able to easily steer in the desired direction. The result was music that was untamed in character and was able to inspire the audience with its enormous liveliness. The applause at the end was as intense as it was deserved.